hstoerrleHarald Störrle

Software Architecture, Process, Reengineering
Harald organizes the CSG and creates the web pages. He gives advice on the process, tools, and techniques of creating and maintaining software. Also, he can assess the state of your software and advise on what could be done to save it. Finally, if you want to plan for a budget (e.g. in the dissemination part of your funding proposal) and need an estimate, turn to Harald.

jmadsenJan Madsen

Legal and IP issues, liaison to Department director and 101
If you have a question about copyright, licensing, and any legal issues in connection to the Compute Software Group, Jan is the right person to ask. Also, being the deputy director of Compute, he is the one to liaise with the institute at large and the rest of DTU, in particular the central administration. 

bersboellBjarne Kjær Ersbøll

Commercial projects, outreach to local industry, (big) data
Bjarne is the one to turn to if you are having problems digesting your data. With a background in applied statistics and data analysis he has for many years applied his knowledge and is largely inspired by finding solutions to actual problems in industry and other institutions. He is also happy to share his enormous network within the area with you. Also, he has organized heaps of successful conferences on his areas of interest.

kkristensenKristian Kristensen

Infastructure and IT-services, hosting, budget, collaboration platforms
Kristian is our man for all questions concerning computing infrastructure and all kinds of IT-services such as hosting, issue tracking/ticketing, high-performance computing, and collaboration platforms like slack and Zenodo.