You are looking for some really advanced features not found in the commercial tools? Have a look at the tools created at Compute, maybe there’s something for you! And if you have a tool but it is not in this list, please enter some data about your tool in our online survey!

ToolTool DescriptionSectionContact
AideAIDE is a stand-alone GUI prototyping tool, centered around the Window/Event Diagram notation (WED). It takes hand-drawn sketches and converts them into HTML5-mockups, allowing users to add rich transitions between UI parts. SEHarald Störrle
REDThe goal of RED is to support RE teaching (in particular, course 02264) by implementing a (simple) way of editing all those elements that occur in academic teaching in a consistent framework (metamodel).SEHarald Störrle
NovaThe NOVA Project will provide an IDE for refactoring and documenting large scale Prolog programs.SEHarald Störrle
FIT FIT is a web-based tool that facilitates Fagan-style formal software inspections. It provides full support for running inspection campaigns, including planning, inspection role assignment, artifact hosting, and remarks management. It also functions as a communication platform between inspection participants. FIT is a responsive, mobile-device friendly Web 2.0 application. SEHarald Störrle
Modelscope ModelScope is a tool to analyse models quantitatively. It allows a playful interaction based on the metaphor of an oscilloscope. Probably the most interesting feature of ModelScope is its ability to analyse and compare batches of models: if you want to discover a trend or similarities, there's no easier way than using ModelScope! SEHarald Störrle
DTU CodeStyle is a stand-alone JAVA-application to check OCAML-programs for compliance with coding style guidelines. It is mainly intended for educational purposes, i.e., introductions to (functional) programming.SEHarald Störrle
Model ObservatoryProvide a model repository and associated services to the community of people working in model based software development. Services include:
- secure archival storage,
- discovery through direct querying,
- discovery through visually browsing a dependency graph
- usage/contents statistics

MOBS is intended as a community facilitator.
SEHarald Störrle
MagicWandThe MagicWand is a set of plug-ins for MagicDraw that provide small but useful modeling utilities - we call them charms.SEHarald Störrle
DTUCOCO is a tool to:
1) Provide a rapid prototyping environment for continuation toolboxes.
2) Form a crystallization point for a community of continuation toolbox developers.
3) Provide easy to use Matlab toolboxes for bifurcation analysis with a standardised user interface and data format.
DYNSYSFrank Schilder
DTUComputes solutions to integrable surfaces, a large class of surfaces that includes most of the well known surface geometries, such as Willmore surfaces, CMC surfaces etc. It uses special methods for solving nonlinear PDE. MATDavid Brander
DTUGEL is a C++ library. It is a collection of spatial data structures (mesh, voxel grid, kd-tree) some Lapack/BLAS wrapper code, and a few tools that facilitate computer graphics front ends. IMAGE
Andreas Bærentzen
DTUDSC is a method for tracking deformable interfaces in 2D or 3D. It is useful for a wide variety of purposes: tracking fluid interfaces, segmentation, topology optimization and geometric problems being the most explored. IMAGE
Andreas Bærentzen
DTUVolume visualization
Andreas Bærentzen
DTUMac protocol (including a security suite) for energy-harvesting wireless sensor networks.
Nicola Dragoni
DTUTMB is an open source R-package that enables quick implementation of complex nonlinear random effect (latent variable) models in a manner similar to the established AD Model Builder package (ADMB, STAT
Kasper Kristensen
DTUAutomated Protocol Verifier. You enter a security protocol in Alice-and-Bob notation and some security goals. We assume that such a protocol is run in an insecure network (like the Internet) where all communication may be read by the intruder, messages may be blocked, and the intruder may insert new messages. Finally, the intruder may also be (under his real name) a dishonest participant of the network.
OFMC will try to find an attack against the protocol or verify that it satisfies its goals.
Sebastian Mödersheim
NaDeANew tool for teaching logic based on natural deduction and with a formalization in the proof assistant Isabelle such that the usual informal descriptions can be avoided. Furthermore it can be used in a browser without any software installation.ALGOLOGJørgen Villadsen
DTUIt checks a morph between tween two protein chains given by an external alignment algorithm will cause the protein chain to change topology during the morph. SCPeter Røgen
DTUePNK is a platform for Petri net tools based on the PNML transfer format. Its main idea is to provide generic Petri net types, which can be easily plugged into it, and to provide a simple generic GMF editor, which can be used for graphically editing nets of any plugged in type. Additional functionality can be plugged in. The ePNK is implemented based on the eclipse platform, and runs on all hardware platforms supporting Eclipse.SEEkkart Kindler
DTUThe Event Coordination Notation (ECNO) is a notation to coordinate the behaviour among related model elements that are defined in structural diagrams such as class diagrams. The ECNO allows the definition of events and provides means for defining how different related model events need to join or participate in the execution of these events: an interaction.SEEkkart Kindler
DTUSmart phone Surveys is a not yet started project, which was granted by the DTU Compute strategic fond to start implementing a flexible, generic and platform independent framework for data collection with smart phones.SEEkkart Kindler
DTUEasy proto-typing of Massively parallel computation for PDE-based solvers.SCAllan Peter Engsig-Karup
DTUTool to model waste processes. Used in industry in research on waste processes.SEHubert Baumeister
DTUThis is a tool that that completes UML sequence diagrams describing interaction scenarios from detailed use cases with messages showing the internal message exchange of the system. The behavior of the system is described by state machines and executable OCL expressions.SEHubert Baumeister