
We have collected our experience with creating software tools in and for academic settings and written them up in a more comprehensive form.

  • Cost-effective evolution of research prototypes into end-user tools: The MACH case study. H. Störrle, Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier, in press, PDF
  • Academic Software Tool Development at DTU COMPUTE – A Survey. T. Grosman, H. Störrle, DTU-TR-2015-xx (due November 2015)

More publications on our experiences are planned to be released after the end of the project in January 2016.


There is a surprising number of “non-standard” outlets for results other than papers. Here we have collected a few that you might find interesting.

  • The Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) journal publishes papers on your methods, workflows, data, reports, and software—in short, “all outputs of the research cycle.” RIO is open-access. Here’s an article on the RIO Journal.
  • SoftwareX is an open access journal that publishes open source software, with the aim of providing “Original Software Publications”.
  • Elsevier promotes Executable Papers, an initiative to integrate tools and data into the traditional scholarly article. One of the outcomes of this initiative is the SHARE platform.
  • SHARE is a platform for archival online sharing of tool installations. Providers create a virtual machine and install their tool. the installation will stay unchanged (almost) forever. Clients can then use the tool in the exact same version in which it was provided (and quoted), without installation.